(credit: Lauren Ross)
I’ve been lucky to interview some of my favorite bands over the years and with that, get introduced to many new artists who I’m now a fan of. Most recently, Tristan Prettyman.
Last month, I wrote about my time interviewing her for CBS Local. I’ve stumbled on her music in the past and even interviewed some of her friends and tourmates like Anya Marina and Joshua Radin but for some reason never gave her a good listen. When I received an advanced copy of her upcoming album Cedar + Gold at work I was floored. It’s very rare that an album hits you so immediately but hers did just that.
In preparing for my interview I had her album on repeat at work and my subway rides to and from home and the emotion showcased throughout is undeniable. Possibly a lofty comparison, I can’t help but liken her release to Adele’s 21. The heartache showcased throughout is evident on each of the album’s 12 tracks.
Songs like “I Was Gonna Marry You” call out her ex fiance (Jason Mraz) in vivid detail while the hilarious “The Rebound” closes the album on a high note. She recently filled me in on the story behind her first single “My Oh My.” Detailing the cat and mouse game some relationships can be, Prettyman said:
“The whole song is this journey through your first love and breaking up and thinking you’ll never see him again and there’s no chance and then they come back into your life. And you’re like, ‘Oh man, I still like you. What’s the deal with that?’”
For my complete interview, visit CBS. Stay tuned for more from my chat with Tristan and be sure to pick up a copy of her album Cedar + Gold due in stores September 25.