When I first learned about Girls Write Now I knew the program was perfect for me. I never had a mentor growing up and always wished I had someone to help guide my writing and make me feel like I wasn’t crazy for dreaming of a career in music journalism. Last year, I was lucky to mentor Priscilla. Our first pair session involved us talking about music, specifically Adele and her two albums 19 and 21, and how our age and generation defines us. This morphed into two pieces we wrote and read at a Chapters reading together. The first time I had ever read one of my articles aloud, it was nerve-wracking and exhilarating at the same time. Sharing the stage with Priscilla was a joy and I was so taken aback by the support of the entire community after our reading.
This year, my new mentee Angel has a passion for music that reminds me of myself in high school. During our first meeting, we talked about Ed Sheeran and One Direction and I told her the story of when I interviewed 1D. Learning she had never been to a concert before, it was my goal to take her to a show. When Amos Lee came to perform at the Beacon Theater, I knew this was the perfect moment. Just seeing how excited she was for the concert and the awe we both shared for the beauty of the venue and his performance was something I’ll never forget. I’m not quite sure if Angel wants to pursue a career in music journalism, but I’m happy that if she does I can guide her along the way and be an example of someone who made her love of writing into a career.
Girls Write Now has really shown me the impact having a mentor can have and reminded me of why I love writing so much. Sharing my passion for writing with high school girls is unlike any experience I’ve had volunteering before. This Thanksgiving and holiday season, I want to give back to Girls Write Now by raising money to support an organization I believe in.
If you’re interested in making a donation, you can visit my FirstGiving page.
Thanks in advance for your support! And Happy Thanksgiving!