Concert Reviews

Wade Bowen Captivates New York Audience

Only his third performance in New York, you’d never know it as the Texas native brought a dedicated fan base to his show at Joe’s Pub last week. “I tune ‘cause I care,” Wade Bowen told the audience as he and guitarist Jeff Queen took the stage with their acoustic guitars.

Their 75-minute set spanned Bowen’s 14-year songwriting career and included his current hit “Saturday Night” as well as older fan favorites like “Who I Am,” the third song he ever wrote.

“I’m not used to this. You’re all so quiet,” Bowen said after he ended his first song of the night. Throughout his intimate performance he told the tales behind many of his songs, one which included “A Battle Won.”

“I grew up with three sisters and no brothers. There was a little bit of drama in my house growing up but I learned through it that you don’t ever ever argue with a woman ever,” he admitted. “This is one of those moments when I forgot this. My wife loves this song.” Singing of his stubborn ways, Bowen’s raspy and booming vocals got his point across.

For the complete review, visit Country NYC.