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Rockette Shares Secrets of The Radio City Christmas Spectacular

It’s nearly impossible to picture a New York City Christmas without the Radio City Rockettes. Celebrities in their own right, the Rockettes are a holiday icon.

A dream career for many young dancers, Jacey Lambros is no exception.

“I think it’s every young dancer’s dream to dance on the great stage at Radio City Music Hall and to be a Rockette,” she said. “A friend who’s a few years older from a nearby town was a Rockette so everybody in my dancing school aspired to be just like her.”

Lambros said she often wondered what kept her friend auditioning year after year – for 10 years. Currently in her eighth season as a Rockette, now she knows.

“It’s the camaraderie, it’s dancing onstage. It’s the spirit of Christmas,” she said. “It doesn’t get tiresome. Being here and being part of the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, it keeps you coming back for more.”

For my complete article, visit CBS.