
Buenvenidos a Miami

Sometimes a change of scenery is good for the mind. It opens you up to surroundings you wouldn’t normally have encountered otherwise. The past few days me and eight friends from high school and college took a mini-vacation to Miami, a much needed break from working and interning that has encompassed our lives for the past few months.

Although mentally I was on a break from everything — working, the job search, even my blog — I still brought some CD’s to review and couldn’t help but take in the music and performances I stumbled upon each day, writing imaginary blog posts in my head. (I can’t help it, music is in my blood.)

Miami is like another world entirely — the language, the culture, the music and I experienced all this each day. Whether it be the hip-hop and R&B; music at club Opium Garden or the salsa music at Bongos, the Cuban restaurant we ate at our last night in Miami. We encountered many entertaining street musicians throughout the various outdoor malls we visited, even a rapper singing a Father’s Day song to shoppers, who later stopped his performance to give some parents anti-bacterial hand gel for their son who was picking up rocks from the ground of a nearby tree. Who knew street musicians in Miami were so concerned with germs?

Man, to live on the beach . . . oh well, back to the grind. I have a bunch of album reviews (including Jakob Dylan and the next big thing Jessie Baylin), songs and interviews (Canadian sensation Serena Ryder and Howard Han, founder of Gig Maven, a new approach for artists booking gigs) to get up for you within the next few days. In the meantime, feel free to read past posts and if you haven’t noticed, some of the titles of my blogs have an external link to my reviews posted on MTV’s concert blog. You can check out my reviews of those here if you haven’t yet.

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